Control What You Can

Cecil at Immediate Action Combatives posted this link. I think every one of you should read it.

You are responsible for you. You are responsible for your actions. You do have control over who your enemy will be fighting. You have control over the training you will have had. You have control over what speed and accuracy you will be able to achieve. You have control over whether you are fit enough to move, fast enough. You are in control of everything that you are in control of. Accept that responsibility.

Hold yourself to a higher standard and DO THE WORK.


Review: Secrets of the Snubby DVD

A few weeks ago, I had a range trip with my good friend and mentor, Claude Werner (The Tactical Professor). He surprised me by giving me a copy of his new DVD “Secrets of the Snubby” published by Armed Response Video Training Series. This DVD has been in production limbo for several years and Claude was finally able to wrap up the filming and editing. I’m really excited about this DVD as it sums up nearly all of the snub nosed revolver tricks and tips that I have gleaned from Claude over the years. Production value is high, the demonstrations are well illustrated, and all of the explanations are clear and concise. I expect nothing less from Claude!


Here’s some of the topics:

  • Trigger manipulation and grip
  • Choosing the right stocks/grips
  • Improving the sights and the usefulness of lasers on Snubs
  • Presentation of the pistol, explanation of sighting and fundamental shooting skills
  • Discussion of close quarters shooting and index shooting
  • Draw stroke (belt, pocket, ankle, belly band)
  • Reloading (loose rounds, speed loaders, speed strips)
  • Spot shooting
  • Point of aim/impact of various weight projectiles and considerations
  • Range drills (shooting dots, Armed Citizen based scenarios, and back up gun drills)

I have to say that between this DVD and Claude’s article Teaching the Snub Nosed Revolver, he has nearly put himself out of business for teaching the snub. This DVD contains the majority of the classroom portion of his snub class. Combine that with the above blog post and you will have a lot to work with for improving your snub shooting skills. The only thing missing is Claude’s watchful observation and course correction. Which, in all honesty, is a huge part of it.

My least favorite portion of the DVD was the range session with the other instructor. However if you watch him closely, you’ll see the difference between taking a snub to a level of mastery (Claude) and treating the snub like a bad breath distance gun only worthy of rapidly dumping the cylinder. Watching him shoot his snub you can see his lack of consistent fundamentals, sloppy reloads, and ‘volley of fire’ shooting style.  He also does the outdated ‘speed rock’ retention shooting position which tends to rapidly fall apart under pressure testing. I’m sure he’s a nice guy and very good shooter, but Claude is the one you should pay closer attention to in this production. Luckily, it’s only a few minutes long.

Anyway, if I’m as objective as I can be, I’d say this is a solid buy for a snub enthusiast. Since Claude has sworn off of teaching the snub, it might be the only way to get these tips moving forward. The cool thing is that the tips, drills, and techniques are 80% applicable to ANY handgun. There’s a lot of pistol wisdom in this DVD.

If you’re interested, you can buy the DVD for $19.95 at

For the first 100 DVD purchases, Claude will also include a CD in which he narrates all 70 of 2014’s Armed Citizen stories. Listening to these stories will help you frame your training and practice based on what people actually face in their armed encounters. It’s a valuable tool to teach you how shootings, gun fights, and gun battles unfold for armed citizens like you and me. These stories are part of what prompted my Bell-Curve shooting post. After this introductory offer, the CD will go for $12.95 plus shipping.

I hope you pick it up and enjoy it!