
If you have any specific questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me.

GrowingUpGuns @ Gmail

10 thoughts on “Contact”

  1. Is there any way I can receive email updates of all your new blog posts! I’ve really enjoyed the last two I read and even shared with my mom.

    1. Nicole, the issue has been remedied! You should see an email signup on the right of your browser, or bottom of your phone. Thanks for bringing this to my attention, I owe you one! 🙂

    2. Have had my holster for like a week now and it met all of my expectations. It need to broken in but now it is just how it needs to be fits like a glove. Thanks a lot Richard Goodwin

  2. Hello Mark. Heard about your blog and site from a great. Logistic person that has the same last name as you
    My next project is to have. A 45/70 on AR platform
    I saw one in Wyoming
    30 inch stainless fluted barrel
    Standard 20 red AR mag loads 45/70 cartage’s
    Upgraded recoil/buffer assmyble
    One addition I will suppress barrel
    Look At the shooter depot. Corpus Christi TX
    How is your day going. All the real bad weather was north of Baton Rouge
    Ever seen one of these
    I would like one in 22 hornet someday

  3. I have read the medical history that you have revealed and your reasons for creating this website. I am a military veteran, and police officer with 2 on duty shootings. I almost died in the last one. You are well trained enough to handle just about any home invasion or public scenario. What you are doing now, is selfishly playing soldier. Stop the training and website. Spend the free time you have with your family. When I got shot, the last thing I was thinking was that I wish I had more training, I regretted every second I spent away from my family. You are being incomprehensibly selfish and putting your hobby over your family. And yes, I’ve trained more than you and have multiple armed conflict experiences. You’ve got plenty of training .Drop the hobby and spend every second you can with your family. I have no comprehension how you justify what you’re doing. It’s tragic

    1. I appreciate your message and I know it’s coming from a good place. Thank you for your thoughts, and I’m glad you made it through your incidents. I’ll take what you’ve said and think on it.

  4. Mark. I still believe that your first black 3/4′ Robot font wrist band is the best-looking you have sold so far. You should bring it back.

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